Thursday, June 4, 2009

Decleration of independance

FREE TOPIA is made by a group of people who own several hundred small island grouped together, we were made for people who cannot find sanctum within other parts of the world we are outlaws who have created a society fro ourselves to live in this will grant us the freedom and peace we so badly lust for.


  1. I like your layout and your gadgets and pictures. The latin is interesting, but not for those who can't read it.

  2. the layout and background is very good. i like the way you explain why the lion is your blogtopian animal

  3. hello,
    the layout is alright i think it could be better and i think you could do something with your comours and fonts, i also do like the way you explained why the lion is your blogtopian animal btu i think the latin is not needed and you could put more text in such as your rules.

