Thursday, June 11, 2009

Free topia had no schedule, as stated in the declaration of independence, every person has the right to do as they please we only ask that everyone does there fair share of work.
The government will exist as a senate, but the senate only puts forward ideas the ‘king’ decides what really happens but, the king can only make decisions that the people agree to, so he is not a dictator.
The creature that symbolizes our civilization is the famed lion, it tells the people of our world that we are proud of what we do and who we are and also warns them not to mess with us.

1 Fights are settled by the committee
2 food is handed out by the committee
3 the committee is replaced every 2 months
4 all money is handed out in equal shares
5 all must work their hardest
6 crime are unacceptable and are punishable by death
7 swearing is allowed but not towards the ‘king’
8 the king controls the island when he is elected he stay elected until he dies
9 war must be controlled by the army
10 party all the time

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Decleration of independance

FREE TOPIA is made by a group of people who own several hundred small island grouped together, we were made for people who cannot find sanctum within other parts of the world we are outlaws who have created a society fro ourselves to live in this will grant us the freedom and peace we so badly lust for.
